Have you ever been absolutely certain of anything and tried everything you could to persuade others that you are correct and they are incorrect, only to find out afterwards that they were correct? Do you realize that by opening your heart and mind to other people's perspectives, you can open yourself up to a whole new world? Have you ever been in a similar situation? Whatever your answers to the prodding posers above may be, let go of your connection to being correct, and your mind will become more open and may profit from other people's distinct perspectives without being stifled by your own. People that are open-minded do not force their opinions on others, they accept all points of view and facts in life doing their own thing in peace. There is a principle that is a barrier to all information, proof against all reasoning, and can never fail to maintain man in perpetual ignorance...that principle is "condemnation before enquiry." Do not do it!!! We are so quick to pass judgment on others, but we don't want to be judged when our ideals change. Everyone simply wants to be accepted, yea, but accepting others is essentially about accepting yourself, because it frees you from your own internal turmoil. You can be your actual self instead of getting emotionally involved with other people's lifestyles and views when you stop judging others. And for all intents and purposes, take no pleasure in deflating people's egos by taking the wrong side of an issue because your perceived opponent has taken the correct side! It's not good for you. Many relationships can be saved if we comprehend the simple fact that individuals may not always be wrong. They simply do not often meet our expectations. Don't criticize others based on your own standards; everyone is making their way home the best way they know how to. Every tale has two sides, no matter how evident they appear to be. You don't have to stand on someone to be tall. You can be a victor without victims. With ego we are gone. Without ego we go on.